Only on week one of the school year, and we already have a sick day!
Guess I need to call the school and let them know, pick up her absent work, and get a doctor's note. Oh wait... no I just have to rework the dates in her books and start again as soon as she feels up to it. lol :)
The kids were out playing in the sprinklers and kiddy pool yesterday at a friends house. I was thinking that Aden might get sick from it, but low and behold... it was Camryn who ended up sick today. That's alright, they had a good time and I'm sure the sickness will pass soon.
A lesson in thoughtfulness:
Last night I was doing the third sinkful of dishes (we don't have a dishwasher), and I sighed and said "I wish I had a daughter that would see me working so hard and say 'Mom, can I help you? You look tired, go sit down and I will do this for you'." My daughter got up and sighed loudly, rolled her eyes, and came to help dry the dishes.
We had a good talk about how I have OCD and she has more of an I-don't-care-what-the-house-looks-like attitude. Instead of getting upset with eachother, we laughed about how we have such different outlooks. She said that she thinks I LOOK for things to do. Really?? I guess I can see where she gets that from, I'm always looking around to see what needs to be done. But my view is, I need to see it before someone else does or before it gets worse. She said that the mess doesn't bother her at all. I'm thinking its a kid thing and she'll change her view as she gets older (I HOPE!).
Now, at the beginning of all this, I could have kept my mouth shut, kept doing the dishes, feeling like a slave and a martyr, and getting upset. But last night I chose to keep a light heart and make a joke of it. What a blessing it was to have that talk with Camryn last night. It showed me that most of the time I am way to serious about my work and I need to lighten up a little. And I think it showed my daughter that its good to notice what others are doing and pitch in whenever possible.
Well, off to do the dishes, laundry, cooking, and some deep cleaning that I've been putting off... :)
I am kinda of looking forward to being able to have these kinds of conversations with Kayhlynn. Just so she will better understand. Right now she has the same out look of things that Camryn does. LOL...maybe it really is a kid thing...and I too hope they all grow out of it when they are older!!!