Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Okay... I'm 30 years old now, resolutions actually mean a little more to me than they used to.

I used to get excited about making these great changes at the beginning of the year. Not anymore! I do want to change some things, but not drastically.
I want to continue to do some things that I feel I've been doing "right".
And I want to stop doing some things I consider to be "wrong" (for me).
BUT, I want to do it based on Biblical principles, not just some whim that I have.

I want to continue to...
1. Homeschool (always looking for ways to enhance the experience, but plugging away at the bookwork too!)
2. Love my family
3. Be faithful to my church
4. Listen when the Holy Spirit points out a flaw
5. Love God
6. Plan healthy meals for my family
7. Keep up with my house
8. Save money wherever I can
9. Listen to my children
10. Work towards being debt free and owning a home in the next few years
11. GIVE

I want to change (or work harder on)...
1. How much time I spend on Facebook :)
2. Learning to be patient
3. Finishing what I start
4. Drink more water
5. Be a better friend

Happy New Year! May it be blessed and joyful!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Just so thankful for being able to be home with the kids.

I've started doing another at-home business; one that has really taken off without very much effort. So my extra time to blog has been diminished, :), but we're still here plugging away at this school year.

The kids are doing great, we've added a Japanese tutor to help the kids retain their Japanese better (I hope!).
Other than that, not too much new to report. Camryn is one track for a year-round schedule. We are taking our breaks as needed instead of summer vacation since we're PSCing in March. I know we'll need the time off towards the end of February to prepare for the move.
Aden has been doing double the work lately. He may start 1st grade sooner than expected.
Josiah is almost walking, and he's doing well over-all. He's a music-lover, so I'm thinking he's an auditory learner, but we'll see!
Happy homeschooling! :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The kids and I did some character training this morning on bullying and I learned A LOT about their feelings on this.
Wow, kids can be so mean... mine included! I am praying about being more diligent with responding to these situations. Our kids should feel like they trust us enough to find out who is starting each of these "bullying" situations. Often one bully will create more bullies... and the cycle is never stopped!

My daughter was bullied at school in Kindergarten and first grade (at Edwards). It was indirect (not physical), but still bullying! The monitor on the playground told her just to handle it herself when she "tattled". She's had other situations, too. One where she popped a girl in the nose after "having enough of it".

I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't know the extent of it until this morning. She asked me to never let her go to public school again. Can you blame her?
She still deals with bullying because she has a lot of friends at church, in the neighborhood, from clubs, friends of ours, etc. So she has to learn to deal... but she doesn't have to fear for her life come Jr. high and high school. PRAISE GOD for that! My cousin (on my mom's side) was stabbed in High School in my home town! I dealt with my own issues back then, and you hear about bullying on the news all the time.

Character training with kids is never ending, and it is so easy to miss things like this... or to call it something else.
The 10 commandments deal with the way we treat God and others. And when we read about Jesus' life we learn how to treat others as we want to be treated.

I tried to watch a movie with hubby last week and it showed bullying by "Christians". Christian means "follower of Christ". There are some who call themselves Christians who are not followers of Christ at all. But they take His Word and twist it into whatever they wish, writing their own thoughts and theories or following evil intentions of others.
Even those who try to be true Christians - we are all only HUMAN, living in a sinful world.

I get so upset when Christians are portrayed this way, and Hollywood does the best job of distorting what a Christian is and delivering it to the masses. I can say the same thing about Politicians and the "mostly-stupid-media".

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Menu Planning

You may have already seen me post this on Facebook, but if not (or if you weren't sure about trying it out)... this site is just what I needed.

In the past I've had to get out 5 or 6 different cookbooks, look through them and find the recipes I want, and make a shopping list based on those recipes. Then I would reference the recipes on a piece of paper.
It was not effective, and I'd end up frazzled at the end of some days finding out that I'd lost the paper, or didn't get out what I needed for the day, or forgot to purchase some items... etc. Bottom line is... I'm not a good meal planner.
So, if anyone else out there is as disorganized as I am, you might want to use a site that does it all for you. I found one that has a small monthly fee, but ALL the work is done for you, except for shopping.
It works for me because of the place I am in life right now. Maybe after Josiah gets a little bigger, I won't need it anymore. But right now, I am sold! It's a great resource.
I just have to print, shop, then hang the papers on my fridge. Everything is all in one place, and I don't really think about dinner anymore. So far, my family has loved the recipes. :) Yay!

I don't get anything for recommending this site, this is just FYI to help anyone else who's looking for help in this area. And... if you have found another site that doesn't cost anything.. let me know! I wouldn't mind trying something else, especially if it's free!!

Here's the one I'm using now...
A friend from church sent me the link initially, thanks brother Butch, it has really helped me out!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Well my Josiah has kept us busy this week. This isn't a blog about homeschool today - more like a prayer request. :)

On Tuesday night Josiah didn't sleep well, then all day Wednesday his naps were really short. His breathing kept waking him up.

He didn't have a fever, so we went to church anyways on Wednesday night. The nursery worker said that he didn't do too well, and he looked awful when we picked him up from them... so we took him to UCC. They did some x-rays just to be safe. He was drooling a lot and congested, but lungs were clear. So Mrs. Doctor wanted NECK x-rays, just to be safe.

She was concerned by what she saw, but she's not a radiologist... so we had to wait.
The radiologist in Osan looked at them and said that the x-ray was normal for a baby his age. So we went home around 11 pm - midnight. (Benadryll and Motrin in hand)
THEN Mrs. Doctor called us at 5 in the morning to let us know that another radiologist in Alaska looked at the x-rays and was "very concerned" and found an abscess in Jo's neck.
Of course, I was freaking out a bit at this point.
We had to go back to the UCC and by the time we got there ANOTHER radiologist looked at the x-rays and said he was somewhat concerned, but not as impressed as the other guy.
Okay, so a new doctor (Mrs. Doctor was off-shift by now) came in to re-evaluate Jo.
Josiah was doing much better because of the sleep he got from the meds and everything was fine (no fever, good oxygen levels, etc). Doc wanted more x-rays done so that they could get a closer look at everything.

They did two more sets of x-rays (we were there for about 3-4 hours for this), and by that time Jo was done being sweet. Up until then he was charming the UCC staff. :)
Mr. Doctor came in and told us that everything looked "much better" in these new x-rays. He said that if it was indeed an abscess, we'd need to put Jo on antibiotics. From what I've read since then, another option would be to drain the abscess.
To know for sure if it is an abscess, we would have to do an MRI. An awful procedure to put a kid through. By that time we were all exhausted and I was looking to hubby to make the call since he'd been there for the whole thing with me. We didn't do it. We were told to watch him carefully. Oh, and his airways looked all clear, of course, or the situation would have been different.

Jo has already been on antibiotics 2 times since birth. Mr. Doctor said that if it was his kid, he wouldn't do the MRI and he wouldn't give the antibiotics.
I've been checking on him constantly, and his breathing is markedly better after he's had his meds, which they prescribed for his congestion (and comfort).
Praying that God gives us wisdom, especially me, because I'm the one who is prone to worry.

Appreciate your prayers for Josiah!
Have a great night (or day if you're stateside!).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Affirmation Day! Part Two

Well, I had a great day yesterday. Saying positive things about myself helped me to keep a great outlook all day long.
My kids didn't quite get it, lol, but they had a good laugh everytime I would say "I'm an excellent _______ (cook, mother, wife, etc)". They laughed when they had to do it, too.
So... today we are turning it around a little and affirming one another. Example: "Camryn, you are an excellent writer!"

Speaking of excellent writing, here is Camryn's Haiku poem that she wrote for Language today, describing a picture in her book:

Rivers running cold.
Leaves on trees singing with joy.
Mountains high with love.

Great job Camryn!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Affirmation Day!

"I am an excellent mother!"

This should be fun...
We are all adding a comment like this to our day, which we'll state at random times. As Camryn turns in her workbooks, she'll say, "I am an excellent daughter!". As Aden plays with his brother he'll say, "I am an excellent brother!".
lol, if anyone stops by today they will probably think we're a crazy, self-centered family!

But seriously, we all need to realize that God created us perfect! It's that sin and negative thinking that pulls us down into depression and despair! Not to mention the devil that whispers in our ear: "You aren't good enough...", "Nobody cares about you anyways...", and "Why even try, you'll just fail again...".
Not today Mr. Devil!!!! We're going to have a great school day, get lots accomplished, and LOVE each other as we ENCOURAGE one another to do our best!!!!! All because we're trusting in JESUS to help us through!

Have a great day, more later... :)