Monday, October 11, 2010

Affirmation Day!

"I am an excellent mother!"

This should be fun...
We are all adding a comment like this to our day, which we'll state at random times. As Camryn turns in her workbooks, she'll say, "I am an excellent daughter!". As Aden plays with his brother he'll say, "I am an excellent brother!".
lol, if anyone stops by today they will probably think we're a crazy, self-centered family!

But seriously, we all need to realize that God created us perfect! It's that sin and negative thinking that pulls us down into depression and despair! Not to mention the devil that whispers in our ear: "You aren't good enough...", "Nobody cares about you anyways...", and "Why even try, you'll just fail again...".
Not today Mr. Devil!!!! We're going to have a great school day, get lots accomplished, and LOVE each other as we ENCOURAGE one another to do our best!!!!! All because we're trusting in JESUS to help us through!

Have a great day, more later... :)

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