Sunday, October 3, 2010

Friday Night Fun

Daddy had a surprise day off last Friday - Yay!
We voted on what to do with our special day. Ice Skating? Movies? Day trip? Beach?
Drum roll please........ beach + bonfire was the winner!

I'd love to post photos, but we took them on our "borrowed" cell phone. Our real cell phone had to be sent in for repairs, and this loaner one from Docomo is all in Kanji - can't figure out how to access the photos we took. Grrrr, frustrating.

Maybe I can give you a visual with words:
Drove up onto the beach and parked next to our bonfire site. Kids took off to play on the shore while daddy got the fire started and I set up "camp". The baby was in awe of the mighty roaring ocean.
After the kids got cold and the sky grew dim, we started roasting our hot dogs. Mmmm, they are so much better roasted on an open fire. We tried to bribe Aden to eat a hot dog. We promised him a new Wii game (seriously?? Bribing a child to eat a hot dog is so ridiculous. He is not a fan of meat.) He wouldn't do it!!
We had some Smores for dessert and sat around the bonfire with sticky fingers. Out come the wipes!
Daddy grabbed his mandolin and started to play the songs he's been learning. It was such a beautiful night. We broke down camp and did a little star gazing before heading back home.
I love that we are able to take days off of school whenever we want to seize these great moments. :)

That was Friday... now it's Monday.
Another Monday, yay! God is good, we're doing great, but I've got a case of the "blah's".
Aden finished his work by noon today, he's such a little smarty pants. Camryn isn't feeling well, so she's laying down right now and has only finished two subjects today, Language & Bible. Kid's chores are done and daddy is on day shift. Praise the Lord for that! We all do so much better when our schedule is "normal". :)

School is going well. I'm thinking about getting some more books for Aden. The Lifepacs that came in are wonderful, but Aden is up for more challenging work. I'm going to supplement a few Abeka K5 things to go along with what we are doing. (Blend Ladders, readers, maybe more?). I've found a lot of free stuff online, since I know exactly what to look for. I'm starting to feel a lot more comfortable with homeschooling.

I'm posting our schedule here for two reasons. 1) So that the family back home can see what we're up to. 2) It might help someone else set up a schedule for their own homeschool. :)
I don't post the times, because it changes daily for us. When we have a late night at church, or a day of family fun, we'll get started an hour or so later than normal. On average, book work doesn't start until 9-10 am. The kids' day is started around 7 am everyday, at least that one is constant. :)

Camryn's Days (4th Grade):
Get up, get ready.
Eat breakfast, clean room.
Self care (brush teeth, wash face, etc), chores.
Pledges, Songs, & Prayer (with mom, Aden, & Jo)
Social Studies (History & Geography)
Piano Practice
Art or Health (switch every other day)
Free time

This changes on days when we have appts, friends over, etc. But it's been going well so far.

Aden's Days (K5):
Get up, get ready.
Eat breakfast, clean room.
Self care (brush teeth, wash face, etc), chores.
Pledges, Songs, & Prayer (with mom, Camryn, & Jo)
Flash Cards (he's loving addition already, and he's only 4! Yes, we're only doing the zero and one addition families, but he still amazes me.)
Japanese (We were doing this with Camryn too, but she already has too much in her schedule.)
Free Time
Free Time

Josiah's Day:
Pretty much just eat, sleep, & play. He loves song time and reading time. The rest of the time he plays well on his own. He'll be walking soon! Then I'll really be a busy mom...

Have a great week everyone! ;)


  1. Wow...I thought I was a busy momma!!! have definitely got a busy day, but you amaze me with how well you manage to stay on are motivation for me!!!

  2. Wow! Sounds like a wonderful Friday. Yummy s'mores!!

    Yes, you have a LOT on your plate! So what time are you typically done?

  3. Michelle, you ARE a busy momma! This is the "ideal", and we get thrown off all too often, lol! It gets easier as Josiah gets older.
    Sherry, usually around 1 pm. Sometimes I'll save things for when daddy gets home. And, in truth, the learnin' never stops, lol.
    By the way, Sherry, I love Kaycee's blog. She is so talented! I know where she gets it! :)
