Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Menu Planning

You may have already seen me post this on Facebook, but if not (or if you weren't sure about trying it out)... this site is just what I needed.

In the past I've had to get out 5 or 6 different cookbooks, look through them and find the recipes I want, and make a shopping list based on those recipes. Then I would reference the recipes on a piece of paper.
It was not effective, and I'd end up frazzled at the end of some days finding out that I'd lost the paper, or didn't get out what I needed for the day, or forgot to purchase some items... etc. Bottom line is... I'm not a good meal planner.
So, if anyone else out there is as disorganized as I am, you might want to use a site that does it all for you. I found one that has a small monthly fee, but ALL the work is done for you, except for shopping.
It works for me because of the place I am in life right now. Maybe after Josiah gets a little bigger, I won't need it anymore. But right now, I am sold! It's a great resource.
I just have to print, shop, then hang the papers on my fridge. Everything is all in one place, and I don't really think about dinner anymore. So far, my family has loved the recipes. :) Yay!

I don't get anything for recommending this site, this is just FYI to help anyone else who's looking for help in this area. And... if you have found another site that doesn't cost anything.. let me know! I wouldn't mind trying something else, especially if it's free!!

Here's the one I'm using now...
A friend from church sent me the link initially, thanks brother Butch, it has really helped me out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Chrissy. I think I am going to try this out too. I never know what to cook and with two of us right now it is even harder. I always spend so much money when I plan new recipes for the week (from a cook book) then I am stuck with all these new herbs and spices I don't use.
    But I am going to try this. I will let you know how it worked for me :)
