Sunday, October 24, 2010


The kids and I did some character training this morning on bullying and I learned A LOT about their feelings on this.
Wow, kids can be so mean... mine included! I am praying about being more diligent with responding to these situations. Our kids should feel like they trust us enough to find out who is starting each of these "bullying" situations. Often one bully will create more bullies... and the cycle is never stopped!

My daughter was bullied at school in Kindergarten and first grade (at Edwards). It was indirect (not physical), but still bullying! The monitor on the playground told her just to handle it herself when she "tattled". She's had other situations, too. One where she popped a girl in the nose after "having enough of it".

I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't know the extent of it until this morning. She asked me to never let her go to public school again. Can you blame her?
She still deals with bullying because she has a lot of friends at church, in the neighborhood, from clubs, friends of ours, etc. So she has to learn to deal... but she doesn't have to fear for her life come Jr. high and high school. PRAISE GOD for that! My cousin (on my mom's side) was stabbed in High School in my home town! I dealt with my own issues back then, and you hear about bullying on the news all the time.

Character training with kids is never ending, and it is so easy to miss things like this... or to call it something else.
The 10 commandments deal with the way we treat God and others. And when we read about Jesus' life we learn how to treat others as we want to be treated.

I tried to watch a movie with hubby last week and it showed bullying by "Christians". Christian means "follower of Christ". There are some who call themselves Christians who are not followers of Christ at all. But they take His Word and twist it into whatever they wish, writing their own thoughts and theories or following evil intentions of others.
Even those who try to be true Christians - we are all only HUMAN, living in a sinful world.

I get so upset when Christians are portrayed this way, and Hollywood does the best job of distorting what a Christian is and delivering it to the masses. I can say the same thing about Politicians and the "mostly-stupid-media".

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